This document defines Ziron’s Acceptable Use Policy for UK voice traffic – that is, calls that transit the Ziron network destined to or originating from the UK.
Ziron reserves the right to limit or prevent traffic that is suspected of breaching these guidelines, or presents a risk to Ziron’s network.
This policy should be read in conjunction with the Ziron Master Services Agreement.
Nuisance Calls
A Nuisance Call is defined as one that is either unwanted, or “silent or abandoned”. The Customer must comply with the provisions of the Communications Act 2003, the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003, and any other relevant legislation.
CLI Presentation
Valid Caller ID must be presented by the Customer on all calls as detailed in the Outbound SIP page in the Voice Interop Information section. The number presented must have been directly allocated to the Customer, or express permission has been given to the Customer from the person or entity that has been allocated to the number.
Dialler Traffic
Dialler traffic is defined as that which is generated automatically, and that typically has an Average Length of Call (ALOC) of under 30 seconds, with an Answer Seizure Ratio (ASR) less than 60%.
Dialler traffic is strictly prohibited on the Ziron network without the express written permission of Ziron. Any Customer attempting to send traffic of this nature without prior agreement may have their service suspended without warning.
Where permission has been granted for the Customer to send dialler traffic, the following additional terms will apply:
- Valid UK CLI must be presented, with the number not being one that generates an excessive call charge. Numbers from the 070x, 076x, 084x, 087x or 09x ranges are strictly prohibited, as are those designated Channel Islands or Isle of Man mobile or paging service numbers.
- All calls must ring for a minimum of 15 seconds before the call is terminated
- The abandoned call rate must be no more than 3% of live calls over a 24-hour period, including a reasonable estimate of false positives where Answering Machine Detection (AMD) is used.
- In the event of an abandoned call, the Customer a brief recording must be played no later than two seconds after the call has been answered in which the company that is responsible for the call is identified, and offers the called person the option of opting out of further calls by contacting an 0800, 0808, 01, 02 or 03 number only.
- Any repeat calls to a number that has received an abandoned call within the previous 72 hours must only be made with a guaranteed live operator.
- Customers with an ASR below 40% will be considered as suspect, and indicative of a possible breach of Ofcom Regulatory Standards.