Customer to customer number migration process

If you wish to transfer one or more numbers that are already 'on-net' with Ziron (i.e. with another Ziron customer), you can use the customer to customer number migration process. 

Step 1: making the request

Please email with a subject of "Number migration" and the end user company name, providing the following information:

- End user company name

- End user contact name (i.e. the person authorised to make this request)

- End user address, including postal or ZIP code

- List of number(s) in E164 format (e.g. 447700900123)

- SID of the endpoint you wish the number(s) to be attached to

- Preferred date of migration (minimum of three working days)


This will generate a support ticket to track your migration request.

Once we have verified the information you have provided, we will contact the current Ziron customer advising of the request. 


Step 2: triggering the migration

On the day of migration, we will confirm once the process of migrating the number(s) to your account is complete. To ensure that there is no downtime, please ensure your equipment is configured to accept calls to the number(s) ahead of the migration date.



If you do not specify an endpoint SID in the migration request and have an default endpoint set on your account, the number(s) will be attached to this endpoint and the routing updated accordingly. If you do not have a default endpoint set, the routing will remain 'as is' - i.e. attached to the endpoint of the other Ziron customer - and will not update until you attach the number(s) to one of your endpoints. To avoid loss of service, you should ensure the number(s) are attached to a valid endpoint on your account as soon as the migration is complete.




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